Well, I've got some paint on the M103 now.
Needs second coat on the turret and I've applied the first coat to the hull.
For those of you that are curious on what brushes I'm using, well, their Horse hair and I'm using a number 4 and number 6 broad head brushes to paint with.
Well, why are you hand brushing this beast? First, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment and using an airbrush is not an option.
Now I know their are compressors out there that are made to run quietly, but I really don't have the cash right now to get one. Besides, I have more control and I can see were I've missed better than an airbrush.
Well, what about brush lines?
What about them? Brush lines add a personal touch to the kit, it says, "Hey, I did this!" And if done right other people won't be able to tell if you airbrushed the kit or not.
Well, you be the judge. Here's some photo's.
And here's some of the hull.
Now, total paint time so far, about 2.5 hours. Hull: 2 hours with about another 1 hour to finish. Turret: Roughly 30 mins. for first coat, 30/45 mins. needed more for second coat.
So total time for paint, after second coats, will be about 6-8 hours. This does not include drying time.
My apologizes for not posting sooner everyone, I've had to move into a different room.
Anyways, that all for now.
See ya in the funnies...................................
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